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[E] pinkybrain
[E] pinkybrain
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over 6 years ago
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over 6 years ago
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============= Username: IggyTheBrain When you were banned : I genuinely don't remember Person who banned you: I genuinely don't remember Reason you were banned: The login message says I was banned for duping. ============= To whom it may concern, My sincerest apologies for trespassing against the awe-inspiring Minetown. I regret the actions of my former self that led to my current state of affairs with the server. I wish very much to play inside the demesne of this truly fine and well-established server. I've recently become unemployed and on disability due to a life-shattering accident and now that I have a lot of free time I'd love to come back and be a pillar of the community I once loved so much. Regards, theBrain
over 6 years ago